I've got a lot of mail in the works right now, and thankfully with this new job, your girl can finally afford some postage. It's a real mixed bag here, with letters, postcards, and packages for mail buds and real buds, too. Don't mind the poor paint job/grimey-ness on the nails.
Something for Brittany (Ukulele?) in a handmade envelope. Cut from a great big massive book of photos-all taken in ONE DAY in California.
And one for Juli (AKA Girlonaglide) on sendsomething.net also in a handmade envelope from an astronomy/space book. It was a week ago when I packed these envelopes up and my best guess is that they contain a letter and other things. Anything more specific would not be very indicative of my memory capacity.
For Lily S. May in Toronto, a thank you postcard!
Small square corrugated cardboard postcard (sure is a mouthful) for enviable Shirley Cerdas in Costa Rica!