Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Two more things:

For Bianca Jagoe:

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For good friend Jen Poole who is easily the best person I know for staying touch when she moves to the other side of the continent.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Two Sealed Packages

And you'll never know what's in them, unless you're Kira Daube or Mary England.



Sunday, March 17, 2013

Long Gone

These mail bits went into the post about 3 months ago. I was housesitting a beautiful one bedroom apartment in the best neighbourhood in Halifax. A cat lived there who was easy to please and it was a nice three weeks in that home. I was able to get a lot of mailing done. It was just one of those places with good vibes seeping out the floorboards.

Here's what the mail bits looked like:

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Received in the Post

All of these RECEIVED MAIL posts should soon be warranting a SENT MAIL post.

Soon, I assure you, soon. But I've been busy working on my small business Varity Concert and I need to make some money before I can buy some stamps!! In the meantime, here's some visual delights I've gotten in the past couple of weeks:

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A great short story in a beautiful envelope from Michael. I love a good read.

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Cool stuff in a cool ziploc in a cool envelope from Karen Champlin

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Fun times goodies from Shirley on sendsomething.net. She says that business is real slow over there, wouldn't it be nice to throw a dog a bone and send her something in the mail?

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And a fine-ass, packed-to-the-brim, oddly shaped envelope from Valentine Mark Herman in beautiful France. Filled with exactly what it says: Mail art miscellant. Delights like business cards, stamps and plastic bits. The possibilities are endless.